The caseworker has certain rights to access the child’s education records and receive notifications of certain events. For a list of these rights, see the Education for Children Resource GuidePDF Document, under Required Notification of School-Related Information.
Notifications the Caseworker Must Make
The caseworker must:
• inform the child’s attorney ad litem, CASA volunteer, caregiver, and education decision-maker of any notification from the school regarding:
• the child’s disciplinary hearings,
• manifestation determination reviews,
• use of physical restraint and/or seclusion,
• truancy,
• suspension,
• expulsion, or
• removal to a Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP), or Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP);
• inform the education decision-maker, the caregiver, or the surrogate parent, as applicable, of any education-related activities which involve Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and/or special education Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) committee meetings, if known;
• provide the court with updated information at the next permanency hearing if there are changes in the education decision-maker or surrogate parent;
• ensure the school has been provided with the name and contact information of the education decision-maker and surrogate parent, if applicable;
• ensure the caregiver signs the annual directive to the school prohibiting the use of corporal (physical) punishment for the child in foster care and submits it to the school;
• update the Education Portfolio; and
• withdraw the student from school if the child is moving out of kinship or changing placement.
Caseworker Who Is Also the Education Decision Maker
A caseworker named as the education decision-maker must also perform all of the responsibilities listed in the Education for Children Resource GuidePDF Document under Rights and Responsibilities of the Education Decision-Maker.
Notifications the School Must Make
The school is responsible for notifying the child’s educational decision-maker and caseworker of events that may significantly impact the education of the child.
For more information, see the Education for Children Resource GuidePDF Document under Rights and Responsibilities of the School.
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