TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 15300 Enrollment, Records Transfer, and Withdrawal for Children Changing Schools :: 15350 Requesting Transfer of School Records

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 15300 Enrollment, Records Transfer, and Withdrawal for Children Changing Schools :: 15350 Requesting Transfer of School Records

Each school district in Texas has named a foster care school liaison to assist in enrolling and transferring records of students in foster care. See the Texas Education Agency (TEA) website for more information.

Caregivers or caseworkers must provide written requests to the school registrar to transfer records to another school. The school district has 10 working days to transfer records from the child’s previous school to the requesting school. School districts use a protected computer transfer system known as TREx to transfer school records between schools.

If a child in DFPS conservatorship transfers to a new school, the caregiver provides both the new and the previous school with the other school’s contact information, to facilitate prompt transfer of the child’s education records. The caseworker must ensure the new school has the withdrawal documentation from the previous school so that the child is given the correct classes and appropriate services.


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