The removal or conservatorship caseworker must deliver the child’s Education Portfolio to the caregiver according to the time frames below.
• For a child coming into conservatorship, the removal caseworker must deliver the Education Portfolio to the child’s caregivers at the time of placement.
• For a child who turns 3 years of age while in DFPS conservatorship, the conservatorship caseworker must deliver the Education Portfolio to the child’s caregivers within five working days of the child’s birthday.
• For a school-age child, pre-kindergarten through grade 12 who is in DFPS conservatorship and is changing placements, the conservatorship caseworker must deliver the Education Portfolio at the time of the child’s placement.
• For a school-age child, pre-kindergarten through grade 12 who is in DFPS conservatorship and is subject to an emergency change in placement for health and safety reasons, the conservatorship caseworker must deliver the child’s Education Portfolio to the new placement within two working days.
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