In addition to the responsibilities of the eligibility specialists in initially entering into an adoption assistance agreement, the specialists have the following ongoing duties:
- Distributing Form 2250 Adoption Assistance RequestPDF Document and supporting documents, when requested by a caseworker from DFPS or a licensed child-placing agency (LCPA), or by the adoptive family.
- Maintaining information in IMPACT when there is a change that affects adoption assistance, such as a change in the amount, address, or payee.
- Getting certifications of continued eligibility every five years, or more often as needed.
- Notifying and requesting other states or U.S. territories to provide Medicaid coverage to recipients of Texas adoption assistance who live outside Texas. See 1730 Medicaid Coverage, the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance, and Adoption Assistance.
- Authorizing Medicaid coverage for children from other states who live in Texas but receive adoption assistance from the other state’s public child welfare agency.
- Verifying adoption assistance eligibility, if there is a subsequent adoption of the same child.
- Starting recoupment efforts when overpayments are made.
- Authorizing supplemental payments when underpayments are made.
- Preparing fair hearing packets.
- Processing reimbursement of nonrecurring adoption expenses, as described in 1714.7 Reimbursement of Nonrecurring Adoption Expenses.
- Terminating adoption assistance agreements, as appropriate.
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