Adoption assistance negotiators have the following ongoing responsibilities in the Adoption Assistance program:
- Renegotiating existing agreements, including deferred agreements, at the adoptive parents’ request because of changed circumstances, and notifying the adoption assistance eligibility specialist of any changes to the monthly payment amount.
- Explaining to families the process for accessing Medicaid coverage in Texas and other states. See 1730 Medicaid Coverage, the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance, and Adoption Assistance.
- Providing training on adoption assistance benefits and application requirements to other DFPS child placement staff, staff of private child-placing agencies, and prospective foster and adoptive parents.
- Negotiating adoption assistance agreements according to the orders of the fair hearing officer.
- Providing information for, and testifying in, any fair hearings, as necessary. See 1719.3 Responsibilities of the Adoption Assistance Eligibility Specialist and Negotiator.
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