The adoptive family is responsible for immediately reporting to the eligibility specialist changes in their circumstances that may affect adoption assistance, including changes in the following:
- Name.
- Address.
- Marital status.
- Where the child is living.
- The child’s legal status.
- Health insurance coverage for the child.
- Anything else that may affect eligibility.
The adoptive family may request a change in the amount of the monthly payment when there is a change in circumstances affecting the adopted child’s current needs or the family’s ability to meet those needs. All such requests must be made in writing to the adoption assistance eligibility specialist.
Any request for an increase in the monthly payment is subject to the requirements and limitations described in:
1715.5 Determining the Payment Ceiling for Adoption Assistance
1715.3 Considerations during Negotiations
The negotiator for adoption assistance contacts the adoptive parents within five working days after receiving a request to negotiate a new payment amount. A negotiated increase becomes effective no earlier than the first day of the following month after a new agreement is signed.
After the negotiations, the negotiator notifies the eligibility specialist of any changes. The eligibility specialist updates information reported as a change within five days after receipt of the changed information.
See Texas Administrative Code §700.860: What if my child’s or family’s circumstances change?External Link
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