TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1700 Adoption Assistance Program :: 1721 Definition of Enhanced Adoption Assistance

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1700 Adoption Assistance Program :: 1721 Definition of Enhanced Adoption Assistance

Enhanced adoption assistance is a monthly payment that is greater than the ceiling amount for the adoption assistance described in DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.844External Link. (See 1715.5 Determining the Payment Ceiling for Adoption Assistance.)

The maximum monthly payment that can be paid under an adoption assistance agreement on behalf of a child who qualifies for enhanced adoption assistance is based on the DFPS foster care rate in effect on the date the adoption assistance agreement is signed. The following requirements apply to this maximum monthly payment:

  • It is the minimum amount required to be paid to a foster parent for a child with the same service level as the child who is the subject of the adoption assistance agreement. (This can be an authorized current service level or one in effect before the adoptive placement.) This amount is sometimes referred to as the pass through amount (the amount that passes through to the foster parent).
  • It does not include any amount that a child-placing agency is entitled to keep under the foster care rates.

DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.806External Link


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