TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1900 Substance Use :: 1963.3 Children and Youth in DFPS Conservatorship

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 1900 Substance Use :: 1963.3 Children and Youth in DFPS Conservatorship

When a caseworker becomes aware that a child or youth (referred to as a minor in this section) is using substances, the caseworker treats the situation as a medical concern.

Caseworker Responsibilities

If a caseworker or medical consenter suspects that a minor may be using or misusing substances, the caseworker or medical consenter may have the minor drug tested. However, only a medical provider may conduct this drug test. The caseworker and medical consenter do not conduct drug tests on the minor.

If the minor appears to require immediate medical care, the caseworker must seek emergency medical care for the minor.

To have a minor drug tested by a medical provider, the caseworker or medical consenter makes an appointment with the minor’s health care provider or primary care physician (PCP).

The caseworker or medical consenter then informs the health care provider or PCP about the concern for the minor’s possible use of or exposure to substances.


If a youth is under the supervision of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) or the county juvenile probation department, the juvenile system may drug test the youth.

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