TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 2100 Processing Reports of Abuse or Neglect :: 2142.4 When Abuse or Neglect Occurs in a Foster or Adoptive Home

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 2100 Processing Reports of Abuse or Neglect :: 2142.4 When Abuse or Neglect Occurs in a Foster or Adoptive Home

Acceptable for CPS Investigation

CPS investigates reports of abuse or neglect only when:

  • the victim is a child who is not a foster or pre-consummated adoptive child; and
  • the child is abused by a member of the child's family or household.

If the two criteria above are met, CPS retains responsibility for investigating, even if:

  • the victim is a child in kinship care;
  • the alleged perpetrator is a foster or pre-consummated adoptive parent, or
  • the alleged perpetrator is a foster or pre-consummated adoptive child, 10 years old or older.

Not Acceptable for CPS Investigation

CPS does not investigate a report of abuse or neglect when the victim:

  • is a foster or pre-consummated adoptive child; or
  • the child is abused by someone who is not a member of the child's family or household.
A foster or pre-consummated adoptive parent living in the foster or adoption home abuses a minor who is a relative and is not a foster or pre-consummated adoptive child.A foster or pre-consummated adoptive father abuses his birth daughter.

An adult who is living in the home of a foster or pre-consummated adoptive parent, but is not the foster or pre-consummated adoptive parent:

 •  abuses a child who is not a foster or pre-consummated adoptive child; and

 •  commits the abuse in the home.

A brother of the foster or pre-consummated adoptive father abuses the foster or pre-consummated adoptive father's birth daughter.

An adult who is living in the home of a foster or pre-consummated adoptive parent, but is not the foster or pre-consummated adoptive parent:

 •  abuses a child who is related to the adult (the alleged perpetrator), and who is not a foster or pre-consummated adopted child; and

 •  commits the abuse outside the home.

A brother of the foster or pre-consummated adoptive father abuses the foster or pre-consummated adoptive parents’ birth daughter and the abuse occurs during an outing at the park.
A foster or pre-consummated adoptive parent who is related to a foster or pre-consummated adopted child abuses that foster or pre-consummated adoptive child.An adult becomes the foster or pre-consummated adoptive parent of his or her niece and abuses the niece.

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