Allegation | Does CPS Investigate? |
The caretaker of a day care facility has abused or neglected his or her own children in the facility or in the family home. | Yes |
While investigating a report of abuse or neglect at a child-care facility, Licensing uncovers evidence that the abuse or neglect may have occurred in the child's home. | Yes. Licensing staff continue to be responsible for investigating the child care facility. CPS staff: • determine whether there is a need to conduct an investigation in the child's home; and • conduct the investigation, if an investigation is needed. |
While investigating a report of abuse or neglect at a child-care facility, Licensing staff determine: • that the parent or managing conservator of a child who is an alleged victim is unable or unwilling to protect the child from further harm, or • that other children in the facility may be at risk of harm, | Yes. CPS staff do as follows: • If the CPS worker and supervisor determine that the risk of harm or danger remains despite the planned actions, staff immediately notify the regional director for families and children. • If CPS determines that all children in the facility are sufficiently in danger and that emergency removal ex parte orders are needed, the regional director must immediately notify the director of protective services for families and children. |
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