TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4100 The Placement Process :: 4118.5 Requirement to Continue Seeking Less Restrictive Setting

The conservatorship caseworker reevaluates the child or youth’s placement every six months. The caseworker consults with the residential treatment placement coordinator and regional developmental disability specialist (DDS) to determine if a more home-like setting is available and appropriate for the child or youth.

DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.1313(d)

DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.1315(d)

The state office DDS must be notified when a child or youth under the age of 18 is planning to move out of a facility and into an alternate placement.


6237 Permanency Planning for Children with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities in Institutional Settings

Texas Government Code §531.159, Monitoring of Permanency Planning Efforts


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