TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4100 The Placement Process :: 4118.6 Additional Requirements for Specific Facilities

In addition to the steps above for placements in all facilities that serve primarily children and youth with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), each type of institution may have its own enrollment process or requirements. Consult the Foster and Licensed Facility Placements Resource Guide for specific information for each type of facility.

General Residential Operation (GRO) for Children or Youth with IDD Placement

The primary caseworker names the regional developmental disability specialist (DDS) as the secondary worker. The regional DDS must:

  • Make face-to-face contact at least once a month with a child or youth in a GRO that serves primarily children or youth with IDD.
  • Document in IMPACT observations and discussions with the child or youth and caregiver.

Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) Group Home Placement

The caseworker must reevaluate the child or youth’s placement in the four-bed HCS group home at the time the Child’s Plan of Service (CPOS) is reviewed to determine if placement in a three-person HCS home is available and appropriate for the child or youth.

When conducting visits, the caseworker or a local permanency specialist must follow policy in 6411 Contact With the Child and its subsections.

Intermediate Care Facilities and State Supported Living Centers

The regional DDS and the caseworker must contact the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) coordinator to verify SSI benefits for a youth before considering placement in an intermediate care facility (ICF). SSI benefits are not needed for placement in a state supported living center (SSLC). The regional DDS coordinates with the ICF provider and the local authority to ensure an appropriate placement for a child or youth in an ICF

The primary caseworker names the regional DDS as the secondary worker. The regional DDS must:

  • Make face-to-face contact at least once a month with a youth in an ICF or SSLC.
  • Document in IMPACT observations and discussions with the child and caregiver.

Operations on Heightened Monitoring

If the prospective placement is on heightened monitoring, a heightened monitoring placement request must be submitted and approved before placement occurs. See 4211.6 Placements into Operations on Heightened Monitoring (HM) for all required actions

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