When a placement change is initiated, the caseworker must explain the reasons for the move to the current caregiver at the time the decision is made. The current caregiver should be as involved as possible in preparing the child or youth for the move.
If safe and appropriate, the caseworker must provide the current caregiver with information about where the child or youth will be moved, what the living situation will be, and other information that may help the current caregiver to ease the child or youth’s anxiety about the impending move.
The child or youth’s caseworker must do the following:
- Provide the new caregiver with information on Form 2279 Placement Summary and the child’s Sexual History Report, Attachment A, and obtain signatures.
- Upload Form 2279 into the Child’s Placement Records tab in OneCase, and upload the Attachment A into the Sexual History Report Attachment A tab in OneCase.
- Conduct a pre-placement visit.
- Encourage communication between the current and new caregivers.
Note: If the child’s new placement is in a foster home, all foster parents in the home must sign Form 2279 and Attachment A to acknowledge their receipt of the information. The caseworker uploads the signed Form 2279 into the Child’s Placement Records tab in OneCase and the signed Attachment A into the Sexual History Report Attachment A tab in OneCase.
If the child’s new placement is in an unverified kinship home, all adults living in the home who have unsupervised access to the child must sign Form 2279 and Attachment A to acknowledge their receipt of the information. A copy of the signed 2279 form must be uploaded into OneCase under the Child’s Placement Records tab and the Attachment A must be uploaded into OneCase under the Sexual History Report Attachment A tab.
If the child is being placed in a general residential operation (GRO), the following people must sign Form 2279 and Attachment A to acknowledge their receipt of the information:
- Administrator for the GRO.
- Receiving intake staff, if applicable.
- Child’s case manager.
The caseworker uploads the signed Form 2279 into the Child’s Placement Records tab in OneCase and the signed Attachment A into the Sexual History Report Attachment A tab in OneCase. The GRO staff are responsible for ensuring that any other caregivers for the child receive the information. GROs are basic child care operations and include placement settings other than foster homes, such as emergency shelters, cottage homes, and residential treatment centers.
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