After the pre-placement visit, the caseworker must speak with each verbal child or youth away from the caregiver’s home or facility.
This conversation must include only the caseworker and the child or youth, so that the child or youth can freely express his or her thoughts and feelings and discuss any problems with the placement.
The caseworker must do his or her best to address the child or youth’s feelings and, whenever possible, resolve any problems with the placement. The caseworker must ask the child or youth if he or she felt safe at the placement.
If the child or youth says that he or she does not feel safe at the placement, the caseworker must immediately contact the supervisor to discuss the next steps, including the decision to seek an alternative placement. At no time should a caseworker leave a child or youth in a home where the child or youth reports feeling unsafe.
See the Texas Child-Centered Care System and Placement Resource Guide – Discussion Topics for a Child Whose Placement Is Changing.
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