The primary or secondary caseworker must transport the child or youth to any initial or subsequent placement, or accompany the child or youth if the child or youth needs medical or other specialized transportation. The trauma of a placement change is heightened if the caseworker is not the one who helps the child or youth make the transition.
If the caseworker is unable to transport the child or youth, the caseworker’s supervisor may approve another caseworker to do so
When a child or youth in DFPS conservatorship is placed with a residential child care contractor (such as a private child-placing agency or general residential operation), the caseworker must transport the child or youth to the placement. It is not appropriate for a contracted provider to transport the child or youth to the new placement or the discharged child or youth to the DFPS office. As a child or youth moves from placement to placement, the presence of the caseworker provides a vital connection.
If an emergency occurs on a night, weekend, or holiday, the supervisor on call may assign appropriate DFPS staff to arrange placement. However, this is done only after contacting or attempting to contact the caseworker or supervisor assigned to the case.
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