TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4100 The Placement Process :: 4134 Complete the Placement Authorization and Consent Forms

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4100 The Placement Process :: 4134 Complete the Placement Authorization and Consent Forms

The caseworker must complete as much of the appropriate placement authorization, medical consent, and education decision-maker forms as possible before making the placement. See 4123 Complete Authorization Forms Provided at Time of Placement and its sub-items.

At the time of the placement, the caseworker must obtain required signatures and, if possible, immediately provide a copy of the required forms to the caregiver.

Note: When a kinship home becomes a verified kinship foster home, the caseworker must re-issue the placement authorization form using Form 2085FC Placement Authorization - Foster Care / Residential Care [sic, broken link] and provide the child placing agency a copy of an updated Application for Placement form.

Confirm Medical Consent Training

If a caregiver will serve as the child or youth’s medical consenter, the caseworker must verify that the caregiver completed the required medical consent training.

If the caregiver who will serve as the child or youth’s medical consenter is a kinship caregiver, the caseworker must help the caregiver complete the required medical consent training.

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