TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4100 The Placement Process :: 4142 Enter the Placement Change Information in IMPACT

After the child or youth is placed, the DFPS caseworker or the Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC) equivalent must enter information about the placement into IMPACT on the day of the placement or by 7 p.m. on the next calendar day. The DFPS caseworker or SSCC equivalent updates the placement in the SUB stage of any child or youth in the case who changed placements.

The placement date is the date the placement is actually made — not the date the placement is planned to take place.

On the placement page in IMPACT, the DFPS caseworker or SSCC equivalent must enter the date the caregiver received the Child Sexual History Report Attachment A.

Updates to the Placement Detail page must address issues of appropriateness, proximity, restrictiveness, and so on. If the child or youth changes placement type (for example, moving from a foster home to a kinship home or general residential operation), the DFPS caseworker or SSCC equivalent may need to update the service plan.

After updating IMPACT, the DFPS caseworker or SSCC equivalent must save and submit for DFPS supervisor or SSCC equivalent approval. The DFPS supervisor or SSCC equivalent must approve initial and subsequent placements, including emergency placements, in IMPACT within seven calendar days of the placement.

At a minimum, the DFPS supervisor or SSCC equivalent must verbally approve the placement before the child is placed.

For emergency placements, the DFPS supervisor or SSCC equivalent must verbally approve the placement within 24 hours after the child has been placed.

If the child or youth is discharging from a previous placement, the DFPS caseworker or SSCC equivalent selects the correct placement discharge reason and subtype reason, if applicable, in IMPACT. If the reason for discharge listed on the discharge notice is unclear or does not align with other information about the placement, the DFPS caseworker or SSCC equivalent must contact the caregiver for clarification. The caregiver must provide clarification in writing.

The subtype must reflect the documentation CPS or the SSCC received from the caregiver and other CPS or SSCC documentation.

If there is no discharge notice (because the child is discharging from a non-contracted placement), then the DFPS caseworker or SSCC equivalent selects the discharge reason and subtype reason that best represents the reasons stated by the caregiver.

The DFPS caseworker or SSCC equivalent seeks clarification from the supervisor before selecting one of the following discharge subtype reasons:

  • Change of Verification/License Type
  • Facility under Adverse Action
  • Not Verified/Licensed to Serve
  • Facility Home Closed/Inactive

The following discharge reasons have subtype reasons listed in IMPACT.

Discharge reasonDischarge reason subtype
Caregiver/Agency requested
  • Child’s behavior
  • Facility or home not credentialed for child’s service package
  • Service Level increased
  • Service Level decreased
  • Achieved therapeutic goals
  • Risk of or actual abuse or neglect
  • Not least restrictive
  • Not verified or licensed to serve
  • Caregiver moved
  • Facility or home closed or inactive
  • Change of verification or license type
  • Remains in placement, change of child placing agency (CPA)
CPS initiated
  • Child’s behavior
  • Facility or home not credentialed for child’s service package
  • Service Level increased
  • Service Level decreased
  • Achieved therapeutic goals
  • Risk of or actual abuse or neglect
  • Not least restrictive
  • Not verified or licensed to serve
  • Caregiver moved
  • Facility or home closed or inactive
  • Change of verification or license type
  • Remains in placement, change of child placing agency (CPA)
  • Facility under adverse action

Child hospitalized

(medical or psychiatric)

  • Caregiver or agency requested discharge
  • CPS initiated
  • Out of placement more than 14 days
Child ran away
  • No intention to return
  • Out of placement more than 14 days
  • Caregiver or agency requested discharge
Refused to stay in placement
  • Child feels unsafe
  • Incompatibility
  • Aged out
  • Legally married
  • Court-ordered emancipation

The following discharge reasons do not have subtypes in IMPACT.

  • Child Placed in PCA
  • Placement as of Stage Closure
  • Closer proximity to parent/relative
  • Child placed with noncustodial parent
  • Child death
  • Child returned home
  • Child placed with relatives/fictive parent
  • Child placed in adoption
  • Child placed with siblings

Caregiver/Agency Requested

The DFPS caseworker or Single Source Continuum Contractor (SSCC) equivalent must select this reason only when the placement entity has contacted CPS or the SSCC and provided written notification of discharge.

The subtype must reflect the documentation CPS or the SSCC received from the caregiver and other CPS or SSCC documentation.

Discharge subtypeSelect when
Child’s behaviorThe child or youth’s behavior cannot be managed in the placement setting.
Facility or home not credentialed for child’s service packageThe current caregiver is not credentialed to provide the service package needs, and it was determined that it is the best interest of the child to be placed with a caregiver that can provide the needed service package.
Service Level increasedThe child or youth’s authorized level of care increased.
Service Level decreasedThe child or youth’s authorized level of care decreased.
Achieved therapeutic goalsThe child or youth achieved all of the identified treatment goals listed on the treatment plan.
Risk of or actual abuse or neglectThere is concern about child safety.
Not least restrictiveA less restrictive placement is more appropriate to meet the child’s needs and was identified.
Not verified or licensed to serveThe provider’s license type changed, or the placement is not licensed to meet the child’s needs.
Caregiver movedThe caregiver moved residences.
Facility or home closed or inactiveThe foster home or facility closed or is on inactive status.
Change of verification or license typeThe provider changed the license type in CLASS.
Remains in placement, change of Child Placing Agency (CPA)The foster home changed Child Placing Agencies (CPAs), but the child remains in the same foster home.

CPS Initiated

The DFPS caseworker or SSCC equivalent must select this reason only when CPS or the SSCC initiates the placement change, or the court orders a placement change.

The CPS or SSCC documentation must be consistent with the subtype selected.

Discharge subtypeSelect when
Child’s behaviorThe child or youth’s behavior cannot be managed in the placement setting.
Facility or home not credentialed for child’s service packageThe current caregiver is not credentialed to provide the service package needs, and it was determined it is in the best interest of the child to be placed with a caregiver that can provide the needed service package.
Service Level increasedThe child or youth’s authorized level of care increased.
Service Level decreasedThe child or youth’s authorized level of care decreased.
Achieved therapeutic goalsThe child or youth achieved all of the identified treatment goals listed on the treatment plan.
Risk of or actual abuse or neglectThere is concern about child safety.
Not least restrictiveA less restrictive placement is more appropriate to meet the child’s needs and was identified.
Not verified or licensed to serveThe provider’s license type changed, or the placement is not licensed to meet the child’s needs.
Caregiver movedThe caregiver moved residences.
Facility or home closed or inactiveThe foster home or facility closed or is on inactive status.
Change of verification or license typeThe provider changed the license type in CLASS.
Remains in placement, contract changeThe provider’s contract changed, but the child remains in the same placement.
Facility under adverse actionThe facility is under adverse action through Residential Child Care Licensing or Residential Child Care Contracts.

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