The caseworker must take responsive action if there are concerns with a child or youth’s placement:
Type of Concern | Responsive Actions (as appropriate) |
Safety concerns | • Immediate removal of a child or youth for immediate safety concerns. • Report to Statewide Intake or other appropriate state agency for alleged abuse or neglect. • If the caseworker is concerned about the child or youth’s safety at the new placement or the child or youth verbalizes that he or she is scared, the caseworker must contact the supervisor to discuss the situation and next steps. The caseworker must never leave a placement where there are concerns about child or youth safety before discussing the matter with the supervisor and developing a plan. |
General concerns | • Discussion with the caseworker’s supervisor and chain of command. • For pervasive concerns with a foster home, the caseworker and chain of command may consider disallowing placements in accordance with 4222.1 Disallowing Placements into Foster Homes. • Discussion with the child-placing agency (CPA) or management of the general residential operation (GRO). • Discussion with the residential contract manager for the CPA or GRO. • Closure of a home if it is a foster or adoptive home. |
Concerns about compliance with Minimum Standards | • Referral to Residential Child Care Licensing. |
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