TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4245 Requesting Extension of an IPTP Placement

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4245 Requesting Extension of an IPTP Placement

The DFPS Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program (IPTP) is a short-term program intended to last no longer than 60 days. If the youth has not stabilized within 60 days, Youth for Tomorrow (YFT) can recommend a one-time extension of the IPTP services. The IPTP program specialist ensures the youth’s treatment team, caseworker, supervisor, and program director agree to the extension.

To request an extension, the following steps are completed:

  • YFT sends an authorization to the IPTP program specialist before the 60th day.
  • The IPTP program specialist emails the caseworker, supervisor, and program director a copy of the YFT review and the extension memo.
  • The caseworker completes Form 2246 Intensive Psychiatric Transition Program Extension RequestPDF Document and sends it to the program director for approval.
  • If the program director approves the request, the program director forwards the extension request form with approval to the IPTP program specialist.

After the program director grants approval, the following occurs:

  • If the IPTP program specialist approves the request, the program specialist must forward it within one business day to the associate director of placement for approval.
  • If the associate director of placement approves the extension request, the IPTP program specialist emails the new IPTP discharge dates to the youth’s treatment team, caseworker, supervisor, program director, eligibility specialist, and YFT.

No IPTP placement may exceed 120 days.


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