TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4263.2 Referral Process

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4200 Foster and Licensed Facility Placements :: 4263.2 Referral Process

The CPU reviews the referral to make sure the child is eligible for TFFC and the referral paperwork is complete. 

The CPU submits the referral to TFFC providers, who review it and identify whether or not there is an appropriate TFFC home available.

The CPU notifies the caseworker when an appropriate placement is identified or when the CPU determines there is not one available. If a TFFC provider identifies a placement, the CPU presents the option to the caseworker. If the caseworker accepts the placement in the TFFC home, the CPU sends Form 2105 Placement Confirmation [sic, broken link] PDF Document to the caseworker, supervisor, child-placing agency (CPA), and DFPS Treatment Foster Care mailbox [sic, email link].

During the TFFC referral process, the Regional Placement Team continues to search for an appropriate placement other than a TFFC home.

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