The TFFC provider works with the caseworker to identify a less restrictive placement where the child can live after discharge from TFFC. CPS begins preparing and planning for the child’s subsequent placement not later than the 30th day after the child is placed in TFFC. Once the placement is identified, CPS trains the new caregiver and makes the decision to transition the child to the identified caregiver’s home at the end of the child’s time in TFFC (nine or 12 months). If a placement is not identified, then the goal is for the child’s next placement to be a traditional foster home setting.
The TFFC provider submits a service level request to the third-party contractor to assign a service level 45 days before the child is discharged.
After the third-party contractor completes its review and assigns a service level, the caseworker follows 4211 Seeking Placement Through the Regional Placement Team.
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