When a youth in DFPS’s managing conservatorship begins living in an unauthorized living arrangement, the youth’s caseworker takes the following actions:
- Tries to persuade the youth to return to substitute care.
- Notifies the people indicated in 6150 Notifications.
- Assesses the risk of abuse and neglect in the unauthorized living arrangement.
- Assesses the appropriateness of the unauthorized living arrangement.
- Assesses and documents the following in the case record:
- Who made and who implemented the unauthorized living arrangement.
- Whether the youth is related to the caregiver.
- The youth’s options if the unauthorized living arrangement does not work out.
- Ensures that the unauthorized caregiver for the youth has been informed of the youth’s history of sexual victimization, sexual behavior problem, human trafficking, and sexual aggression. The caseworker makes every effort to review Form 2279 Placement SummaryWord Document and the child’s Sexual History Report, Attachment A, with the unauthorized caregiver, obtain signatures, and upload the signed documents into OneCase. If the unauthorized caregiver refuses to sign Form 2279 or Attachment A, the caseworker does the following:
- Documents the refusal to sign on the forms.
- Enters a contact documenting the caseworker’s efforts to notify the unauthorized caregiver of the child’s sexual victimization, sexual behavior problem, human trafficking, and sexual aggression history, as well as the refusal to sign.
- Uploads Form 2279 into the Child’s Placement Records tab in OneCase.
- Uploads Attachment A into the Sexual History Report Attachment A tab in OneCase.
For more information about responding to unauthorized living arrangements, see:
6460 When a Child or Youth Is Missing from DFPS Conservatorship
Independent Living Arrangements in the Foster and Licensed Facility Placements Resource GuidePDF Document
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