TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4500 Interstate Placements :: 4513.6 If a Texas Caregiver Moves to Another State

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4500 Interstate Placements :: 4513.6 If a Texas Caregiver Moves to Another State

If a child’s caregiver moves to another state, and it is in the child’s best interest to move with the caregiver, the caseworker must ask the other state for permission to continue the placement there.

The caseworker must prepare the same documentation specified in 4511 Documenting a Request to Place a Child Outside of Texas. The caseworker also must:

  •   indicate, in the Interstate Compact Cover Letter in IMPACT, that the child has been placed with the caregiver and the child has already moved with that caregiver to the other state.

  •   include in the ICPC placement request packet:

  •   the caregiver’s most current home screening, including verification that all required criminal background checks are completed according to the placement type and that all persons required to undergo a criminal background check are cleared. Actual FBI results must not be released to other states; and

  •   the IMPACT Form 2261 Compact Report ICPC (100B). The form includes information about the child’s caregiver and the placement date.

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