TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 4600 Heightened Monitoring (HM) :: 4633 Heightened Monitoring Visits by CPS

In preparation for each heightened monitoring (HM) visit, the CPS HM program must do the following:

  • Review the current HM plan.
  • Review reports about the operation in CLASS.
  • Verify census (the number of placements in the operation, active foster home, or both).
  • Discuss the needs of the operation and children placed there.
  • Contact the primary caseworker of each child who is placed in the operation.

There are four types of visits to operations by the CPS HM program:

  • Unannounced joint safety visits. These are visits in which staff from the CPS HM program and RCC conduct a visit together (jointly).
  • Announced safety visits.
  • Unannounced safety visits. These occur when there is an identified risk to the safety and well-being of children. When an operation is on a placement hold (meaning no additional children can be placed into the operation), unannounced safety visits must occur. The HM developmental team determines the frequency of unannounced safety visits.
  • Non-HM safety visits. At the direction of the CPS associate commissioner or designee, the CPS HM program may conduct safety visits in operations that are not on HM. These visits must be conducted in the same manner as described in 4600 Heightened Monitoring (HM) and its subitems, unless otherwise directed.

HM staff members must do the following once they arrive at an operation for an unannounced, unannounced joint, or announced safety visit:

  • Identify themselves and their role within HM.
  • Give the operation the HM visit notification letter.
  • Conduct a comprehensive tour of the facility or foster home and take photos for the record.
  • Complete interviews or observations of children. If children are interviewed, they must be interviewed in private, without anyone else present. However, the following exceptions apply:
    • If the child needs an interpreter, a person may be present to interpret.
    • If the child is unable to speak because of the child’s age or developmental level, the HM staff member is required to observe the child but is not required to interview the child. Other people may be present during the observation.
    • If the HM staff member determines that having another person present would be appropriate for another reason, that person may be present.
  • Complete interviews of staff members or caregivers (or both, if applicable).
  • Complete on-site observations.
  • Staff (consult) with the HM supervisor before exiting the operation if child safety concerns are present.

If any of these tasks cannot be completed, the HM staff member must have documented approval from the HM supervisor (or designee) to leave the operation without completing a certain task.

The HM staff member must document the visit in IMPACT within 24 hours. The HM supervisor must send an HM exit document to the administrator (or to the point of contact whom the administrator has identified) within 48 hours after the visit. The HM exit document notes any findings addressed during the HM visit.


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