While the court reviews multiple aspects of the case and makes a number of findings, several are particularly relevant to DFPS. Therefore, DFPS must provide information to help the court make a finding of:
• whether the mother, father and any other person with a court ordered relationship has been served. Serving a citation for a lawsuit is not the same as providing notice of a hearing. For details, see 5230 Service of a Citation;
• whether DFPS has exercised due diligence (that is, made reasonable efforts) to locate all persons who are entitled to be served a citation, if all such persons have not already been served and given notice including the alleged father;
• whether a plan with the goal of reunification adequately ensures that reasonable efforts are made to enable the child’s parents to provide a safe environment;
• whether the child’s parents have reviewed and understand the service plan and understand that their parental duties and rights may be restricted or terminated;
• whether the service plan is reasonably tailored to address any specific issues identified by DFPS;
• whether the service plan has been signed;
• whether the medical consenter has been identified; and
• whether sufficient efforts have been made to identify, locate, and provide information about the removal to the child’s relatives and fictive kin (such as persons who are close family friends).
Texas Family Code §263.202External Link
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