Unless the child is already adopted or in another placement intended to be permanent, the caseworker must file with the court, at least 10 days before the status hearing, any information concerning the caseworker’s efforts to:
• assess the child; and
• place the child with a relative or fictive kin (such as persons who are close family friends), when appropriate.
If the child has not been placed with a relative or other designated caregiver, the caseworker must explain:
• the reasons why the child has not placed the child with a relative or other designated caregiver; and
• any actions the department is taking to place the child with a relative or other designated caregiver.
Texas Family Code §263.003External Link and §262.114(a-1)-(a-2)External Link
To file with the court, the caseworker must:
• complete Form 2637Word Document Notification Regarding Relatives/Designated Caregivers; and
• send the form to the court.
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