TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6100 Overview of Substitute Care :: 6123 Ongoing Duty to Provide Notice of DFPS Conservatorship

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6100 Overview of Substitute Care :: 6123 Ongoing Duty to Provide Notice of DFPS Conservatorship

At initial removal and at any time during the case that a person listed below is identified and located, DFPS must provide notice of DFPS conservatorship using Form 2134 Notice to Relatives and Potential Caregivers about Removal of a ChildPDF Document to that person immediately.

  • All paternal and maternal relatives of the child (including adult relatives of the legal or alleged father) who are related to the child within the fourth degree of consanguinity. (The fourth degree of consanguinity includes people such as first cousins, great aunts or great uncles, and great-great-grandparents.)
  • All adult grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, and siblings of the child’s legal father or alleged father, if DFPS has a reasonable basis to believe the alleged father is the child’s biological father.
  • All legal custodians of the child’s minor siblings.
  • All adult siblings of the child.
  • Everyone designated by the parent as a potential caregiver on Form 2625 Child Caregiver ResourcePDF Document.
  • Any other relative or fictive kin the caseworker determines should receive notice.

Notice is not required for people served with a citation by the court or determined ineligible for notice based on criminal or family violence history, such as those people who are a current threat to safety or high risk of harm.

42 U.S.C. §671(a)(29)External Link

Texas Family Code §262.1095External Link

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