TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6100 Overview of Substitute Care :: 6161 Completing and Submitting the Monthly Required CVS Contact and the Monthly Evaluation/Assessment for Supervisory Approval

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6100 Overview of Substitute Care :: 6161 Completing and Submitting the Monthly Required CVS Contact and the Monthly Evaluation/Assessment for Supervisory Approval

The caseworker must complete the Required Monthly CVS Contact the same day as the contact with the child. The caseworker must complete the narrative for the contact within seven days of the face-to-face visit with the child.

No later than the fifth business day of the following month, the caseworker must complete and save the Monthly Evaluation/Assessment Report and submit it to the approving supervisor.


The supervisor is responsible for approving the Monthly Evaluation/Assessment Report, including the Required Monthly CVS Contact, in IMPACT within 15 days of the date of submission.

If the contact narratives and the Monthly Evaluation/Assessment Report meet policy and minimum standards, the supervisor approves the documentation in IMPACT.

The supervisor must approve the documentation only when it meets the policy requirements.

If the documentation does not meet policy requirements, the supervisor must:

  •  not approve the documentation;

  •  provide guidance to the caseworker; and

  •  designate a reasonable time for the caseworker to resubmit the documentation.

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