TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6200 Case Planning for Positive Permanency :: 6234.12 Priority of Family Reunification

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6200 Case Planning for Positive Permanency :: 6234.12 Priority of Family Reunification

Family reunification is the preferred primary permanency goal for every child in substitute care who is in CPS temporary managing conservatorship. However, it may not be an appropriate goal in certain circumstances.

In cases in which CPS has been awarded permanent managing conservatorship of the child, the caseworker must re-evaluate family reunification as a permanency option as appropriate to the circumstances of the case.


If a child or youth has been in care for a number of years, the safety threats present at the time of removal may no longer be a concern, given changes in the parent’s circumstances or the age of the child. Therefore, the worker would re-evaluate the situation to determine if family reunification is an appropriate permanency option.

In other cases circumstances surrounding the case or a particular family member may suggest an alternative goal or for different permanency goals for the child in relation to different family members.

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