Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement (APPLA) is the least preferred permanency goal. APPLA should be the youth’s primary permanency goal only when a youth is 16 and above and there is a compelling justification for why none of the other goals are in the youth’s best interest.
A permanency goal of APPLA means that a child will age into adulthood while in CPS conservatorship. Staff should not select this goal for a child unless the staff has considered and rejected the preferred permanency goals, and the caseworker can document a compelling justification why none of the other permanency goals are in the young person’s best interest.
Social Security Act, 42 USC §675(5)(C) and 42 CFR §1356.21(h)(3)
Texas Family Code §263.3026(b)
See also 6250 Prioritizing Permanency Goals.
The permanency goal of APPLA indicates that:
• the youth is age 16 or above;
• CPS has explored and ruled out preferred permanency goals (family reunification, adoption, permanent managing conservatorship (PMC) to a relative or other individual);
• there is a compelling reason why reunification, adoption, or a transfer of conservatorship are not appropriate permanency goals in the youth’s best interest; for example, the youth is very close to turning 18 years of age and has no desire for a legal relationship with another adult;
• the caseworker has documented and continually updated the compelling reason for selecting APPLA in the youth’s case plan;
• the safe and permanent living situation towards which CPS services are directed is the independent living situation or the assisted community placement that the youth will live in when he or she leaves CPS care; and
• this option can best meet the youth’s best interests and long term needs.
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