The Child’s Plan of Service (CPOS) addresses, at a minimum, all federal requirements for case plans that the Family Plan of Service (FPOS) does not address. The initial CPOS and the CPOS reviews in IMPACT contain these requirements.
The CPOS is required to include any recommendations from the following:
• The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) assessment for children age 3 and older.
• The Family Strengths and Needs Assessment (FSNA).
If the child lives in a residential child care facility that DFPS regulates, the CPOS incorporates the facility’s service plan for the child.
DFPS develops the CPOS in coordination and collaboration with all people involved in the child’s life who have a stake in the child’s well-being.
DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.1321(a)
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