TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6200 Case Planning for Positive Permanency :: 6241.3 Participating in Development of the Child’s Plan of Service

The caseworker gives the following people an opportunity to participate in the development of the Child’s Plan of Service (CPOS):

 •  The child.

 •  The child’s parents, unless an exception applies (see 6242.31 Exceptions to Requirements for the Family Plan of Service).

 •  The parents’ attorneys.

 •  The caregiver.

 •  The case manager at the child placing agency or facility.

 •  Any relative or fictive kin (close family friend) who has expressed an interest, unless DFPS believes this person’s participation would make the child unsafe.

 •  Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA).

 •  The child’s guardian ad litem.

 •  The child’s attorney ad litem.

A youth age 14 or older is allowed to invite at least two appropriate adults of the youth’s choosing (other than the DFPS caseworker or foster parent) to participate in the development of the CPOS. However, DFPS may refuse to allow a person to participate if DFPS thinks the person would not act in the youth’s best interest.

Definitions, Section 475, 42 U.S. Code 675

The caseworker and supervisor may involve others, based on the child’s needs, such as the following people:

 •  Other DFPS staff members, such as the following:

 •  Program director.

 •  Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) staff members.

 •  Developmental disability specialist (DDS).

 •  Professionals who treat the child, such as the following:

 •  Therapist

 •  Psychologist

 •  People who provide other support to the child and family, such as the following:

 •  Teachers

 •  Mentors

 •  Faith leaders

 •  Other people who have a stake in the child’s well-being, such as the following:

 •  Juvenile justice staff members.

 •  Supervisor of a child placing agency.

 •  Clinical director of a contracted provider (such as a child placing agency or residential treatment center).

DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §700.1321(d)

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