TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6200 Case Planning for Positive Permanency :: 6242.3 Requirement for a Family Plan of Service

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6200 Case Planning for Positive Permanency :: 6242.3 Requirement for a Family Plan of Service

State and federal law obligate CPS to jointly develop a FPOS with each parent.

45 CFR §1356.21(g)(1)External Link

Texas Family Code §§263.103(a)External Link, 263.104(a)External Link

CPS must develop a Family Plan of Service (FPOS) for each parent, and include the parents in service planning for the child, for as long as the child is in substitute care or until one of the exceptions is met in 6242.31 Exceptions to Requirements for the Family Plan of Service.

Even if it is difficult to develop an FPOS with a parent (for example, an incarcerated parent or a parent who resides outside the jurisdiction), CPS must still develop an FPOS and include the parent in its development. Such situations may require additional engagement. One of the limited exceptions described in 6242.31 Exceptions to Requirements for the Family Plan of Service must be met in order for there to be no FPOS whatsoever.

The parents’ attorney must be invited to any meeting about Family Plan of Service development.

Texas Family Code §107.0131External Link


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