The Family Plan of Service must address the danger indicators and risk factors that make it unsafe for the child to return home and behavior changes necessary to provide long-term safety for the child.
The tasks and services must have specified time frames for completion.
Unless safety is an issue, the tasks and services in the plan must encourage contact, visitation, and other relationship-building activities that may include parent’s attendance at medical appointments, school events, or other activities involving the child. If safety is an issue, the caseworker must clearly document safety issues in the case file and provide tasks and services to mitigate the safety concerns in the plan.
Staff must request that the contents of the service plan, including the request for the payment of child support, be made an order of the court at the status hearing.
If the caseworker suspects that a parent has an intellectual or developmental disability and needs help finding services, the caseworker must consult with the developmental disability specialist. See the Working with Persons with Disabilities Resource GuidePDF Document.
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