The caseworker’s contacts with the family focus on resolving parental behaviors that led to the abuse or neglect that resulted in one or more children being removed from the home. The visits also focus on gathering enough information and assessing the parent’s needs and strengths to make sure the parent can provide for each child’s safety, permanency, and well-being. Contacts also give the caseworker an opportunity to address case planning and service delivery.
See 6320 Visits with the Family.
If a parent is represented by an attorney who requests that all contact with the parent go through the attorney, the caseworker still has a responsibility to make efforts each month to meet with the parent and attorney to provide information and updates to the parent and attorney. This includes providing updates about the child and discussing services, as required by 6320 Visits with the Family. The caseworker documents these contacts according to 6133.2 Documenting Contacts in Substitute Care.
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