When working with a courtesy caseworker, the primary caseworker does the following:
- Maintains at least monthly contact with the parent (and the child, if living with the parent) by email, phone, or other forms of technology.
- Maintains at least monthly contact with the courtesy caseworker to make sure that all the needs of the parent and child are met, as outlined in 6400 Services to Children in Substitute Care and 6300 Services to Families, and to keep the courtesy caseworker informed of any significant changes in the case.
- Sends updated court reports to the courtesy caseworker at least five days before a court hearing, and sends any court orders to the courtesy caseworker within five business days after the court hearing, to make sure that DFPS is giving consistent information to the family.
- Follows documentation requirements, as outlined in 6133.2 Documenting Contacts in Substitute Care.
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