The caseworker maintains monthly face-to-face contact with each of the child’s parents to address case planning and service needs. More frequent contact may be needed. The supervisor determines the frequency with which face-to-face contacts must occur in the parent’s home based on the circumstances and permanency plan for the case.
If a parent is incarcerated, face-to-face contacts must occur monthly unless the supervisor waives this requirement. When contacts do not occur face-to-face, the caseworker still maintains monthly contact with the parent and continues working with the parent toward identified goals in the Family Plan of Service (FPOS). See:
Incarcerated Parents Resource GuidePDF Document
The caseworker maintains monthly face-to-face contact with each child who remains at home after a sibling has been placed in substitute care and DFPS has temporary managing conservatorship.
If a sibling is in a parental child safety placement (PCSP), this child is still considered a member of the home and must be visited monthly.
See 3210 Safety Plan.
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