The Form 2042 DFPS Youth or Young Adult in Foster Care Residency Verification for a Driver License or State Identification Card Fee Waiver verifies the individual is in foster care and the individual’s mailing and residential address. A youth or young adult in foster care uses it to establish Texas Residency to obtain a driver learner license, driver license or state identification card without paying DPS fees.
If youth and young adults in foster care do not have the completed Form 2042, DPS will require that they have at least one of the following:
- Two documents that show their current address.
- Someone who lives at their address accompany them, provide transitional living documents listed in the DFPS Foster Youth ID Fact Sheet or the DPS Foster Youth Driver License Fact Sheet, and complete a DL-5 Texas Residency Affidavit before a notary public.
Completing the form and attaching a copy of the appropriate DPS Foster Youth ID Fact Sheet [sic, intranet link] and DPS Foster Youth Driver License Fact Sheet [sic, intranet link] makes the process simpler at DPS for the applicant and prevents the applicant from being turned away for not having documents that show the current address. This form also entitles the applicant to a fee waiver for the cost of the license.
The caseworker completes the youth’s office address as the mailing address. If the youth or young adult uses the office address, under state law, they do not need to update their ID or license every time they move to a new foster care placement. The caseworker also lists the youth or young adult’s current physical address on the form.
When completing the DPS DL-14A or 14B Texas Driver License or Identification Card Application, a youth who is in a placement that is intended to be permanent can choose to have DPS use the youth’s current physical address rather than the caseworker’s mailing address. Young adults can also choose to have mail sent directly to their current physical address .
Conservatorship Verification—Youth under Age 18
For all applicants under age 18, the primary caseworker or other DFPS staff member, at a caseworker level or above, signs and dates Form 2042 to verify conservatorship status.
DFPS Placement Verification—Young Adults Ages 18 to 21
For all applicants ages 18 to 21, the primary caseworker or other DFPS staff, at a caseworker level or above, signs and dates Form 2042 to verify DFPS-paid foster care placement status.
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