TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6400 Services to Children in Substitute Care :: 6454.2 Canceling or Withdrawing a Driver License

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6400 Services to Children in Substitute Care :: 6454.2 Canceling or Withdrawing a Driver License

For youth under age 18, DPS allows the adult who signed the Parental Authorization section of DPS Form DL-14B – Texas Driver License or Identification Card Application (Minor – Under 17 Years 10 Months of Age) to cancel a youth’s driver license. The DFPS regional director, as the final authority, approves the cancellation of a youth’s driver license. Only a DFPS staff member, at a caseworker level or above, may sign the Parental Authorization section or cancel the license, not the caregiver.

The youth’s primary caseworker discusses, with the youth and the youth’s caregiver, the issues that led up to a driver license cancellation or withdrawal. The caseworker documents reasons for this action on the Contact Detail page in IMPACT. The caseworker signs and submits DPS Form DL-163 Withdrawal/Restoration of Authorization for Minor’s License to the DPS office to request cancellation of a youth’s driver license.

No Insurance

The youth’s primary caseworker or DFPS supervisor immediately submits DPS Form DL-163 to the DPS office to request cancellation of the youth’s driver license, if the caseworker or supervisor becomes aware of either of the following:

  • There is a citation for no automobile insurance involving the youth.
  • The youth drives and has no automobile insurance coverage.

Youth Who Run Away

For a youth under age 18 with a driver license that was obtained with DFPS staff as the parental signatory and who runs away, the youth’s primary caseworker or the DFPS supervisor fills out DPS Form DL-163 and waits 30 days from the date the youth ran away to submit it to the DPS office to request cancellation of the youth’s driver license.

Youth Who Are under Age 18 and Leaving DFPS

DFPS notifies a youth, before conservatorship is dismissed, that DFPS can no longer remain as the signatory for the driver license when all the following criteria are met:

  • The youth is under age 18.
  • The youth’s conservatorship case is dismissed.
  • The youth has a driver license that was obtained with DFPS staff as the parental signatory.

The youth’s primary caseworker or supervisor submits DPS Form DL-163 to the DPS office immediately after the case is dismissed.

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