TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6400 Services to Children in Substitute Care :: 6461.4 When a Child Who Is Missing Is Recovered

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6400 Services to Children in Substitute Care :: 6461.4 When a Child Who Is Missing Is Recovered

When DFPS receives information about a missing child’s possible location, the caseworker or special investigator (SI) must consult with his or her supervisors immediately. The supervisors determine the most appropriate course of action to assess the child’s safety and can determine the assigned SI’s level of involvement in the case.

If the caseworker is notified of the child’s recovery before the SI, the caseworker must inform the SI that the child has been recovered. The caseworker must report the child’s recovery to the regional director’s assistant.

If the child is on the Child Safety Check Alert List (CSCAL) when recovered, the special investigator program director (SIPD) must be informed immediately. The SIPD must then clear the CSCAL entry with DPS and IMPACT as indicated in policy 3116 Requesting a Family Be Removed from CSCAL.

Unless the child is being detained by law enforcement, the caseworker must make arrangements to place the child.

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