TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6400 Services to Children in Substitute Care :: 6492 Making Funeral Arrangements

CPS will arrange a funeral for:

 •  any child or youth who dies while in CPS managing conservatorship; or

 •  any young adult, age 18 or older, who dies in extended foster care.

Funeral arrangements include burial or cremation as specified in 8512 Funeral and Burial Services for Children in DFPS Conservatorship. Children or youth placed with relatives or in the birth home at the time of death are eligible for financial assistance for funeral arrangements if CPS was the managing conservator.

To ensure proper arrangements are made, the caseworker must complete the following steps in the order outlined:

6492.1 Inquire About Children’s Funds

6492.2 Involve Biological Parents

6492.3 Involve Foster Parents and Other Significant Individuals

6492.4 Involve Community Partners

6492.5 Access CPS Funding

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