The Reunification Assessment is a tool that helps DFPS when DFPS makes critical case management decisions for a child or children who have a goal of family reunification (see 6234.1 Family Reunification). The tool helps the caseworker to assess the family in the areas of risk, safety, and quality of visitation. DFPS uses the Reunification Assessment tool to gain information that contributes to DFPS’s recommendations to the court about visitation and reunification.
The Reunification Assessment tool supports DFPS’s decision to do one or more of the following:
• Return a child to the household from which DFPS removed him or her.
• Have the child remain in a living arrangement other than the parent’s home.
• Consider changing the permanency goal.
When to Complete the Reunification Assessment Tool
The caseworker is required to complete the Reunification Assessment tool at the following times:
• Before any reunification staffing (see 6521 Reunification Staffing), if the last Reunification Assessment tool was completed more than 30 days before.
• At least 30 days before a required permanency hearing, if family reunification is either the primary or concurrent goal for a child.
• Before removing family reunification as either a primary or concurrent permanency goal.
A Reunification Assessment tool can be completed at any time, in addition to the times listed above.
A Reunification Assessment tool is not required if either of the following apply:
• Family reunification is not the primary or concurrent goal for the child.
• Reunification is with a parent who was not a perpetrator of abuse or neglect of the child that resulted in DFPS removing the child.
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