TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6500 Family Reunification :: 6531 Providing Services and Ensuring Child Safety after a Child Returns Home

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6500 Family Reunification :: 6531 Providing Services and Ensuring Child Safety after a Child Returns Home

After a child has returned home, CPS may provide up to six months of supervision to do the following:

 •  Make sure that the family is safely caring for the child.

 •  Offer support services.

When a child returns to his or her family from substitute care, and DFPS is still the managing conservator of the child, the child’s caseworker does the following:

 •  Supervises the placement, as described in 6540 Maintaining Contact with the Family When a Child Is Returned Home.

 •  Provides support services to help the child and the family adjust to the child’s return.

 •  Completes criminal and CPS background checks on anyone who becomes part of the household or who provides care for the child when the parent is not present.

 •  Completes a Safety Assessment tool if there is a change in the members of the household, such as someone new moving into the home or someone moving out of the home.

 •  Completes a Risk Reassessment tool every 90 days. If the risk score is High or Very High, the caseworker completes a new FSNA and FPOS to make sure appropriate services are in place to keep the child safe.

As soon as it is clear that the child can live safely at home without CPS help, the caseworker asks the court to dismiss DFPS as conservator.

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