TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6500 Family Reunification :: 6550 Conducting Follow-up Visits with the Family When a Child Is Returned Home

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6500 Family Reunification :: 6550 Conducting Follow-up Visits with the Family When a Child Is Returned Home

The caseworker makes face-to-face contact with the child at least weekly for the first eight weeks after the child is returned home. However, the supervisor or program director may approve and document less or more contact after reviewing the circumstances.

After the first eight weeks, CPS visits each child, at a minimum, on a monthly basis in the child’s home. Ordinarily, the frequency of contact decreases after the first eight weeks as the family and child adjust to their reunification. The caseworker visits should be well planned and focused on issues relevant to ensuring the safety, permanency, and well-being of the child.

Staff follows the contact policy in 6411 Contact With the Child and its subitems.

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