If staff decides to move forward with the kinship home assessment, the caseworker must warn a potential caregiver who has a criminal history or a household member with criminal history that, even if approved for a kinship placement, he or she is not guaranteed kinship assistance or approval to foster or adopt. The caseworker must also inform the potential caregiver that he or she may even be barred from being a foster or adoptive parent, which may also make him or her ineligible for Adoption Assistance and Permanency Care Assistance.
DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §§745.651; 745.657
Although the information is discussed during the kinship home assessment and the warning is printed on Form 0695. Kinship Caregiver Agreement, the caseworker must specifically inform the potential kinship caregiver to help him or her understand the consequences of his or her criminal history.
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