TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6600 Case Planning with Relatives and Other Kinship Caregivers :: 6615 If a Potential Kinship Caregiver Is Denied Further Consideration

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6600 Case Planning with Relatives and Other Kinship Caregivers :: 6615 If a Potential Kinship Caregiver Is Denied Further Consideration

If CPS rules out the family for further consideration, the caseworker must inform the kinship caregiver about the decision. If the family is ruled out by someone other than the primary caseworker, then that individual must inform the primary caseworker of the decision not to proceed. A written home assessment does not need to be completed in this circumstance, unless ordered by the court. The caseworker must document the decision not to proceed in IMPACT, on the Contact Detail page, by selecting Contact Summary Type and then selecting Kinship Disposition and Summary.

If at any time, a family under review as a potential kinship caregiver is denied for kinship home assessment or placement, the caseworker must:

 •  ask the potential caregiver if they are willing to be a Permanency Resource for the child;

 •  inform the potential caregiver that the denial does not necessarily rule out future consideration; and

 •  assess the next potential kinship caregiver identified on Form 2625. Child Caregiver Resource or in other information the caseworker has gathered.

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