TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6600 Case Planning with Relatives and Other Kinship Caregivers :: 6642 Services and Initial Contact with the Kinship Caregiver

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6600 Case Planning with Relatives and Other Kinship Caregivers :: 6642 Services and Initial Contact with the Kinship Caregiver

Preparation for the Initial Face-to-Face Contact

The child or youth’s caseworker must refer the case to the Kinship Program within two business days of the kinship placement.

The kinship supervisor assigns the case to the kinship development worker (KDW) within two business days of receipt of the referral.

The KDW must open the kinship stage in IMPACT within two business days of assignment.

The KDW must make the initial face-to-face contact with the kinship caregiver within seven calendar days of being assigned the case.

Before the initial visit, the caseworker and KDW must meet to discuss all of the following:

  • Child or youth’s needs.
  • Visitation plan and any supervision needs for the child.
  • Permanency goal.
  • Details of the case.
  • Caregiver supports and needs.

Before the initial visit, the KDW must also read the home assessment and understand the visitation plan.

Conducting the Initial Face-to-Face Contact

During the initial face-to-face contact, the KDW must do the following:

  • Provides a copy of the DFPS Kinship Manual.
  • Completes Form 0695 Kinship Caregiver Agreement, if not already completed by the placing caseworker at the time of placement, and uploads the signed copy to OneCase. See 6634.4 Kinship Caregiver Agreement.
  • Ensures the child or youth’s sexual history report, Attachment A, was:
    • Provided to the caregiver.
    • Signed by all adults living in the home who have unsupervised access to the child or youth.
    • Uploaded into OneCase.
  • If the Attachment A was not provided to the kinship caregiver, the KDW reviews the Attachment A with the caregiver, obtains signatures from all adults living in the home who have unsupervised access to the child or youth, and uploads the signed copy into OneCase.
  • Discusses STAR Health benefits and the required medical assessments that must be scheduled as follows:
  • Discusses the benefits, time frames, and eligibility for following:
    • The monthly reimbursement and other financial assistance the caregiver may qualify for.
    • The process for becoming a verified kinship foster home.
    • The Permanency Care Assistance program as outlined in 6680 Permanency Care Assistance (PCA).
  • Reviews Form 3801 Notification about PCA Program and Foster Home Verification with the kinship caregiver, explains that he or she must sign the form before the court enters a final order, and uploads the signed copy into OneCase.
  • Tours the home, taking special care to assess the child or youth’s bedroom to determine unmet needs or safety hazards.
  • Discusses and creates a developmental plan if any concerns were identified by the home assessment (whether approved or denied), caseworker, or during the current visit. The KDW uploads the signed copy into OneCase.
  • Discusses the need for and availability of kinship caregiver training, which is required to receive the kinship monthly reimbursement.

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