TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6600 Case Planning with Relatives and Other Kinship Caregivers :: 6652.4 Post-Permanent Managing Conservatorship Annual Reimbursement Payment

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6600 Case Planning with Relatives and Other Kinship Caregivers :: 6652.4 Post-Permanent Managing Conservatorship Annual Reimbursement Payment

If the kinship caregiver obtains permanent managing conservatorship (PMC) of the child and all other eligibility requirements are met, the kinship caregiver may request an annual reimbursement of up to $500 per child for child-related costs. The expenses must meet eligibility requirements. An eligible kinship caregiver may request the reimbursement for the three years immediately following the award of PMC of the child or until the child reaches age 18, whichever comes first.

DFPS reimburses the caregiver for eligible child-related expenses on the anniversary of the date he or she was awarded PMC of the child. To request reimbursement, the kinship caregiver completes Form 0697 Kinship Reimbursement Payment Application and returns it to the kinship development worker (KDW). The KDW uploads the signed copy into OneCase under the Kinship tab.


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