TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6600 Case Planning with Relatives and Other Kinship Caregivers :: 6681 Overview of Permanency Care Assistance

TX :: Child Protective Services Handbook :: 6600 Case Planning with Relatives and Other Kinship Caregivers :: 6681 Overview of Permanency Care Assistance

Upon initial placement of the child, the caseworker must do the following:

  • Inform kinship caregivers about the Permanency Care Assistance (PCA) program.
  • Explain PCA’s possible benefits and the caregiver’s potential eligibility before the caregiver signs the PCA Agreement.  

The primary caseworker must notify the kinship development worker (KDW) when the final merits hearing is scheduled so that the KDW can do the following:

If no KDW is assigned, the child’s caseworker reviews Form 3801 with the caregiver. Before the final hearing, the child’s caseworker must inform the child placing agency (CPA) working with the caregiver about the caregiver’s decision to accept or decline participation in the PCA program.

Eligible relatives and fictive kin who have served as verified foster parents to a child for six consecutive months may receive financial and health care benefits on behalf of the child through the PCA program.

See the definition of kinship foster caregiver in the Services to Kinship Caregivers Resource GuidePDF Document, under Definitions.

For a full explanation of federal and state eligibility requirements, see 1600 Permanency Care Assistance (PCA).


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