The caseworker must ensure child has received required professional assessments before adoptive placement. The extent of the professional assessment required depends on the age, history, and special needs of the child being considered. The professional assessment must always include a medical examination by a licensed physician.
If the child’s age is 0 to 18 months old, the professional assessment must also include an evaluation by a professional credentialed in the area appropriate to the child’s needs if:
• There is history of abuse, neglect, or failure to thrive; or
• The child is physically or mentally disabled or developmentally delayed.
If the child’s age is over 18 months old, the assessment must include an evaluation by a licensed psychiatrist, psychologist, or other appropriately licensed or credentialed professional.
Required assessments must be current within:
• 30 days of placement if the child is less than 18 months old;
• three months of placement if the child is 18 months to 4 years old; and
• six months of placement if the child is five years old or older.
CPS must provide any testing that an assessment recommends for the child. CPS must document the assessments and results in the child’s record. If professional assessments have been completed since the child was placed in the home, CPS is not required to repeat them.
DFPS Rules, 40 TAC §749.3349External Link
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